Claim forms by post

Thomas Reid Last updated:

It’s quick and easy to submit your claim online. However, if you wish to download and print the forms to fill out and post then you can do this through the claims section of our website.

All you need to do is click on the "Submit your claim" button and click through the options, this will then give you the information on how to claim for the specific claim type you have selected.

Downloadable claim forms are available for the following:

  • Cancellation
  • Baggage and money claim
  • Cutting short your trip (curtailment)
  • Delayed baggage claim
  • Medical and other expenses claim
  • Missed departure claim
  • Personal liability claim
  • Travel delay or abandonment claim
  • Golf Insurance

Please note: The address to send the completed forms back to will be detailed on the form.

To download the form, you will see "download our form" in purple underneath the telephone number after selecting one of the listed options above.

If you would just rather speak to someone over the phone or request a paper copy due to no printer access you can contact our friendly Claims team on 01403 288 410

You can expect to hear from us within 5 working days of submitting your claim.

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