Can I opt-out of automatic renewal online?

Allen Last updated:

Yes, you can opt out of automatic policy renewals by logging in to your MyStaysure account.

Once logged in, go to 'My Policies' and then click 'Amend my policy'.

You will then have a pop-up asking "Have any travellers had a change in health since the policy was purchased?"

  • Selecting "Yes" Or "No" will prompt another pop-up where you will have to select "I agree" Or "I disagree" to the questions asked.
      • If selecting "I Disagree" You will need to contact our customer services team on 0333 014 6981
      • If Selecting "Agree" this will take you to the next page.

If you scroll down, you’ll see the 'Auto Renewal' button.

Green - your policy will renew automatically each year
Red - your policy will not renew automatically each year

To save your changes, click ‘continue’. You’ll receive a confirmation message once your changes are complete. 

Still not allowing you to opt-out? You may be in the renewal window you can call our friendly renewals team who will be more than happy to assist.

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