Ireland & Dublin Directive

Allen Last updated:

If you live in Northern Ireland and travel by car to Dublin airport to get the 1st flight of your journey, you do not have to enter ‘Ireland’ onto your destination list.

For example: If you live in Belfast, and then fly from Dublin, going to Spain – You would only need to put ‘Spain’ on your destination list, not Ireland.


Questions you may have…

  • Does this include if the customer is going to Dublin to catch a ferry? – No this is only applicable to Dublin airport (As long as it was going on to an overseas (non-UK) destination.
  • Does this include if the customer is going to Dublin for a holiday? – No
  • Does this apply to any other airports in Ireland? – No, this is for Dublin Airport only
  • Does this apply if you live in Dublin and travel to Northern Ireland? – No, this is Northern Ireland to Dublin ONLY

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