How long do I have to make a claim?
Last updated:
If your claim is not an emergency, it is still important to inform us as soon as possible. This includes the following situations:
- Cancellation
- Baggage and money claim
- Cutting short your trip (curtailment)
- Delayed baggage claim
- Medical and other expenses claim
- Missed departure claim
- Personal liability claim
- Travel delay or abandonment claim
- End Supplier Failure Claims
- Legal Costs and Expenses
- Gadget Cover add-on
- Terrorism Cancellation
- Car Hire Excess Waiver
If you have an emergency medical claim, you should contact us as soon as possible. You, or someone on your behalf, should contact us within 48 hours if you have been admitted into hospital. You can access all the information for claims here
You are required to inform us in writing about any incident that could potentially result in a claim within 28 days after you have returned to your home. This notification must be done in writing.
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