If there is an avalanche risk, will I still be covered?

Allen Last updated:

In order to have cover for winter sports, you will need to add our optional winter sports cover to your policy. You can do this either when you purchase a new policy or if you have already purchased a policy, you can add the Winter Sports Cover through your online account before you travel. To add the Winter Sports Cover, simply login to your online account and follow the instructions provided in this article.

You will only have cover under your winter sports travel insurance if the resort authorities classify the avalanche risk as 1 or 2. This means that if the risk level is determined to be moderate or low, your insurance will provide protection.

However, if you choose to engage in activities in areas that are classified as avalanche rating 3 or above, your insurance coverage will not apply. This is because these areas are considered to have a high risk of avalanches, and participating in activities there would be considered too dangerous for cover purposes. It is important to be aware of the avalanche risk level before engaging in any winter sports activities to ensure that you are adequately protected by your insurance policy.

Resort authorities classify avalanche risk as follows:

1 = Low
2 = Moderate
3 = Considerable
4 = High
5 = Very High.

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